Tuesday 31 December 2019

Angular 8 Session 2: Setting Up Environment

Setting Up Environment

To setting up Angular environment we need to justify some of pre-requisites. The basic environment includes node.js and npm package manager.
Angular needs node version 10.9.0 or later. To install node:
To check installed versions run the following command in console window.
node -v    // To check node version
npm -v   // To check npm version
Next step is to install and setup Angular CLI. To install cli run the following command.
npm install -g @angular/cli
To know version of installed cli.
ng -v

Extensions & Plugins
To support typo intellisense in Visual Studio Code, we need following extension.
Angular Language Service
Go to Visual Studio Code – Extension – Search for Angular Language Service.
To help on debugging we need to install below plugin on browser.

Sunday 29 December 2019

Angular 8 Session 1: Introduction to Angular 8

Introduction to Angular 8

Angular is a Javascript and most popular framework or platform to build client-side applications such as mobile, IOT’s and Web applications (SPA’s).
Angular is open-source based client framework on typescripts which is transpiled into javascript once compiled. It has been designed to create Dynamic Web Application means:
There are only 2 versions of angular. 1. Angular JS and 2. Angular (2, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8).
The version has the following formats:

Benefits of Angular
Cross Platform:
Used to create modern web platform applications that delivers in high-performance.
It helps to build native mobile apps with help of Cordova, Ionic and NativeScript also capable of creating desktop installed apps for windows, mac and linux platform.
Angular converts templates into javascript that machines seeking of in a virtual world.
Supports languages like .Net, Node.js, PHP etc… in a way to converting into HTML and CSS.

These apps loads quickly with help of router those delivers auto code-splitting so users load code required to render the view just requested.

Angular 8 Tutorial

Angular 8 Tutorial

Thursday 19 December 2019

C# Session 7: Implicit vs Dynamic Variable in C#

Implicit vs Dynamic Variable

               Implicit                                                         Dynamic
   1. It got introduced in C# 3.0.
1. It got introduced in C# 4.0. 
   2. These type of variable declared using var.
   3. These type of variable gets assigned by 
       compiler at compile time.
   4. It is mandatory to initialize value 
       while declaring an implicit variable.
   5. It supports intellisense in Visual Studio.
   6. Post initialization to variable not allowed.

using System;

namespace CSharp.Tutorial
    public class Program
        public static dynamic PrintInputs(dynamic value1, dynamic value2)
            return value1.ToString() + value2.ToString();
        static void Main(string[] args)
            dynamic name;
            var value= "Tutorial"// Imilicit variable must be assigned at the time of creation
            name = "SKMDotNet";     // Dynamic variable allows post initialization.
            Console.WriteLine($"{name} and its type is: {name.GetType().ToString()}");
            Console.WriteLine(PrintInputs(1, 2));
            Console.WriteLine(PrintInputs($"{name} ", $"{value}"));
2. These type of variable declared using dynamic.
3. These type of variable gets assigned by 
    compiler at run time.
4. It isn’t mandatory to initialize value 
    while declaring an dynamic variable.
5. It doesn’t supports intellisense in Visual 
6. Post initialization to variable are allowed.

Angular 8 Session 21 - ngFor Directive In Angular

ngFor Directive Content will be resume soon. Stay tuned!