Sunday 12 April 2020

Angular 8 Session 12 - Event Binding In Angular

Event Binding In Angular

* An Event describes a real time activity like walking, talking, dancing etc... a person goes with. Same a computer program receives some events from end user that executes and gives some output.

* Event Binding flows the data in opposite direction i.e. from HTML control to component.
* When user performs an action such as Clicking a button, Changing dropdown value, Hovers on an element, Typing in a textbox, Tick mark in checkbox etc… event binding receives and processes the data.

* Event Binding allows you to listen for certain events such as keystrokes, mouse movements, clicks, and touches.

* Event Binding syntax relies on event name inside a pair of parentheses resides in left side of equal sign ‘=’ and in right side the template statement quoted in right side as shown below.

* The above expression also can be written with on-prefix, called canonical form.
<button id=“btnOnClick” on-click=“onClick()”>Click Me!</button>

* Let’s consider one more example to test event binding with change event of drop down. Upon Selection of dropdown value data need to show fully or partially.
  <button id="btnClick" (click)="onClick()">Click Me!</button>
  <br /><br />
  <select (change)="toggleView()">
    <option *ngFor="let item  of dropdownOpts" [value]="item.itemValue">{{item.itemName}}</option>
  <br /><br />
  <table border="1" style="text-align: left;">
    <tr *ngIf="fullView">
    <tr *ngIf="fullView">
      <th>Date Of Birth</th>
    <tr *ngIf="fullView">
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { IDropdownItem } from './Model/idropdown-item';

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']

export class AppComponent {
  namestring = 'Rakesh Upadhaya';
  agenumber = 30;
  employeerstring = 'ABC Pvt. Ltd';
  dobstring = '21st June 1989';
  addressstring = 'Kolkata, West Bengal.';

  fullViewboolean = false;

  public dropdownOptsIDropdownItem[] = [
    { itemName: "Hide Details"itemValue: false },
    { itemName: "Show Details"itemValue: true }

  // Methods
  onClick(): void {
    alert('Button Clicked!');

  toggleView() {
    this.fullView = !this.fullView;
export interface IDropdownItem {

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Angular 8 Session 21 - ngFor Directive In Angular

ngFor Directive Content will be resume soon. Stay tuned!