Monday 20 April 2020

Angular 8 Session 14 - Directives In Angular

Directives In Angular

* Directives in angular manipulates DOM, By using directives behavior, layout and appearance of DOM elements can be measured.
* Directives are like components in angular, which is a core building block of angular.

Why Directive Is Needed

* In angular framework, it ensures re-usability of UI components. With help of this it can develop multi sub-components to be used throughout the application.
* The below 3 are the main reasons to have directive in angular:
Reusability: One of the strongest principles of any program that it’s component must extent it’s re usability, so that it can be re used multi time in a large-scale application.
 Readability: Directive provides much more readability to developers to understand an application’s functionality and data flow.
Maintainability: One of the main aspects of having directive is maintainability. It can be easily decoupled and replace with a new one.

Directive vs Component

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Angular 8 Session 21 - ngFor Directive In Angular

ngFor Directive Content will be resume soon. Stay tuned!