Friday 8 May 2020

Session 19: Structural Directives In Angular

Structural Directives

* Structural Directives restructures or reshapes the HTML element by adding/removing/manipulating the DOM elements.
 * It easily can be traced because of the structural directives precedes with an asterisk (*) mark.
 * We have generally 3 types of built-in structural directive:

1. *ngIf:    Shows/hides a DOM element based on condition satisfies.
                                <div *ngIf=“isVisible”>Welcome to {{data}}</div>
 2. *ngFor: Repeats the node for each item on applied list.
                                        <div *ngFor=“let item of lstItem”> {{item.ItemName}}</div>
3. *ngSwitch: Selects 1 element out of a series of items in DOM based on a condition satisfies. 
                                <div [ngSwitch]=“item.color”>
                                               <p *ngSwitchCase=“’yellow’”>some text…</p>
                                               <p *ngSwitchCase=“’green’”>some text…</p>

 * Unlike we have custom attribute directive we can create our own custom structural directive too.

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Angular 8 Session 21 - ngFor Directive In Angular

ngFor Directive Content will be resume soon. Stay tuned!