Wednesday 11 December 2019

C# Session 5: Types Of Variable in C#

Types Of Variable in C#
A variable in C# is a given name to a storage space in a program as well as a given name to a data value. Each variable has its type and size w.r.t a value
We have the following types of variables in C#.
Local Variable:
A variable declared within a block / method / constructor is called as Local Variable because it’s local to that particular block in a program.
A variable got created when the execution starts or enter in that block and getting destroyed once the execution is over.
As it’s local to a block its scope will be within that block.
using System;

namespace CSharp.Tutorial
    public class Program
        public string DisplayName()
            string name = "SKMDotNet";

            return name; // name is local to this block/method only
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Types of variable in C#
            Program objProgram = new Program();


Instance or Non-Static Variable:
Instance or Non-Static variables declared in a class and outside of a block / method / constructor.
As these variables declared inside a class so it got created when the object of that class got created and destroys once the object gets disposed.
To access these variables, we need to create object of the class it has and using that it can be accessed.
Each variable creates it's own copy according to objects.
using System;

namespace CSharp.Tutorial
    public class Program
        string name; // Instance/Non-Static

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Types of variable in C#
            Program objProgram1 = new Program();
   = "SKMDotNet";

            Program objProgram2 = new Program();
   = "SKMDotNet Education";


Static Variable:
These variables also terms as class level variable. If a variable declared by static modifier or with in a static block then its called as static variable.
Static variable got created when the program execution starts and ends up with the execution wind up.
Differences between Instance & Static
·      Instance variable will have its own copy whereas only one copy will be in case of static variable irrespective of how many objects one class has.
·      Changes made at one Instance variable won’t reflect on another objects as each persists its own copy but in case of static variable it will reflect on another.
·      Instance variable can be accessed using object of the class but in case of static variable these can accessible directly using class name with ‘.’ operator.
·      Instance variable gets instantiated every time the objects gets created whereas static variable initialized only one time in life cycle.
using System;

namespace CSharp.Tutorial
    public class Program
        static string name; // Static Variable

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Types of variable in C#
            name = "SKMDotNet"; // Accessing directly

   = "SKMDotNet Education";

Constant Variable:
The variable declared using “const” keyword called as Constant Variable. Also, it can’t be modified once declared so it must  be assigned at time of declaration.
The behavior of static and constant variable are same i.e. one time initialization in life cycle and doesn’t require object of class to accessing or initializing.
The difference between static and constant is static variable can be modified once declared but constant variable can’t.
using System;

namespace CSharp.Tutorial
    public class Program
        const string title="Mr.";   // Constant Variable
        static string name; // Static Variable

        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Types of variable in C#
            Console.WriteLine($"{title} {}");
Readonly Variable:
The variable declared with “readonly” keyword called as Readonly Variable. Also, it can’t be modified as constant but after initialization.
The behavior of readonly and instance variable are same i.e. initialized only after creating object of the class.
The difference between readonly and instance is instance variable can be modified but readonly variable can’t. 
Constant variable has a fixed value for whole class where as readonly has a fix value specific to object of class.
using System;

namespace CSharp.Tutorial
    public class Program
        const string title = "Mr.";   // Constant Variable
        readonly string name; // Static Variable

        public Program(string value)
            Console.WriteLine("Inside Constructor: " + title);
            name = value;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Types of variable in C#
            Program objProgram1 = new Program("Sunil");
            Program objProgram2 = new Program("Sunil2");


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